Gapcoin Cryptocurrency - Linux Desktop or Server
Gapcoin Cryptocurrency: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System
Get Gapcoin | Real Crypto | Real Math | Genuine Commodity Money | As Easy as Pi
Useful Proof-of-Work | Functional Mathematics | Logarithmic Coin Issuance | Unique Blockchain | Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)
... The largest decentralized prime gap search + new world record and attempt ongoing! - Join us! ...
NEW: Gapcoin Project Community Website
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GAP Exchange / BTC Markets at:
FreiExchange (Live!), FreeBitcoins XChange (Live! Recommended!) and C-PatEx (Live!)
Gapcoin Swap XChange (Live!) and Gapcoin Faucet (Live!)
Unnamed Exchange (Live!) and Vote for Gapcoin at SouthXchange
Caveat emptor "buyer beware" BSV and BCH are NOT original Bitcoin. Bitcoin is BTC
GAP Exchange / LTC Markets at: Unnamed Exchange (Live!) and C-PatEx (Live!)
Gapcoin Mining Pool:
Mine Gapcoin's in-wallet on your own PC and/or with a full-node Cloud Server instance! | Gapcoin on Tor Nodes
Gapcoind - Linux Desktop and/or Server Setup
N.B. The original Linux binaries are only compatible with <=debian 9.12 / <=Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
For =>debian 10.0 / =>Ubuntu 18.04 LTS please compile Gapcoin v0.9.3 from the New Community Repository Branch v.0.9.3
Gapcoin v0.9.3 is the current mainnet release!
Original Build Instructions:
See the BitcoinTalk Forum for a more recent gapcoind and QT wallet build instructions plus CPU pool mining guide:
NOTICE (March 2021) Re: v0.9.2/3 Gapcoin binaries
"Berkeley DB is required for the wallet. Ubuntu and Debian have their own libdb-dev and libdb++-dev packages, but these will install Berkeley DB 5.1 or later. This will break binary wallet compatibility with the distributed executables, which are based on BerkeleyDB 4.8. If you do not care about wallet compatibility, pass --with-incompatible-bdb to configure."
IMPORTANT: Always backup your wallet.dat and your private keys!
N.B. Installing / upgrading the following toolkits might be required for =>debian 9 / =>Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (or above);
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++-7
sudo apt-get upgrade libstdc++6
To clarify:
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS - Support Ended
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS - Support Ending - No longer Recommended
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS - Recommended - compile Gapcoin yourself from: Branch v.0.9.3-gap or await the new Gapcoin binary releases ;)
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Testing / Support Commencing
Developers are working on an updated Gapcoin Core QT wallet release for all systems.
TESTNET / Beta pre-release of an implementation of the Gapcoin Core v0.16.3 reference client for the Gapcoin network:
Binaries -
Client can be built from cloned github repos -
NOTICE (March 2021) Re: v0.9.2/3 Gapcoin wallets are currently incompatible with v0.16.3 Beta Gapcoin Core wallets.
Whilst development work is in progress on v0.16.3 it is not advisable to attempt to upgrade your v0.9.2/3 wallet on mainnet.
Gapcoin v0.9.2/3 is the current mainnet release for Linux.
Howto 'safely' upgrade Gapcoin v0.9.2/3 to Gapcoin Core v0.16.3 guide coming soon.
IMPORTANT: Always backup your wallet.dat and your private keys!
(Old) Binaries Guide (Useful info.) ...
Get free sign-up offers to try Cloud Mining Gapcoin at DigitalOcean , Linode or Vultr
For DigitalOcean try Code : DROPLET10 or OMGSSD10 for $10 'Free' Credit.
For Vultr - Get Upto $10 'Free' Credit (with our link).
For Linode - Try Code : LINODE10 for $10 'Free' Credit.
Cloud Server users Start Here:
After registering your new cloud server account select Create Droplet and/or add a new server with the following specifications;
Ubuntu 16.04 x64 - Standard $5/mo Instance - Any data centre region - IPv6 (optional)
The server will be built automatically and the cloud server company will email you your password and the servers IP address.
To connect with the server Windows users need to download PuTTY
Linux desktop users can simply connect via SSH by opening a new Terminal (Ctrl + alt + T) and typing: ssh root@YOUR_SERVERS_IP
For Windows users: Start PuTTY and add your cloud servers IP address then click Open.
You will be prompted with the following warning message to accept your new servers host key > click Yes.
Login as: root
Note that depending on your Windows set-up - copy/paste commands into the SSH terminal might not function as expected. If you use the copy/paste function, then you can expect that the green cursor will not move at all (this is normal in PuTTY). Using Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V will not work.
The correct command for copying is (Ctrl + ins) and the correct command for pasting is (Shift + ins). Where ins = insert.
DigitalOcean requires that you change the default password on first login. You should use a very secure password. We would recommend using the default password provided by DigitalOcean with some random alterations.
After login type: sudo apt-get update and hit the enter key to check for updates.
Now type: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and hit the enter key to install any updates.
Note that you should check for updates occasionally or when you next login. After completing updates, you should restart the server using sudo reboot
Linux desktop users Start Here - Cloud Server users Continue Here:
We need to install unzip for Linux, type: sudo apt-get install unzip
Let's download the Gapcoin daemon for linux (copy/paste):
OK. Now we are going to create the directories, unzip Gapcoin and move the daemon into the gapcoin/src directory (copy/paste):
mkdir gapcoin && cd gapcoin && mkdir src && cd
unzip -d gapcoin/src
mv gapcoin/src/gapcoin-rev2-linux/64/static/gapcoin-cli gapcoin/src
mv gapcoin/src/gapcoin-rev2-linux/64/static/gapcoind gapcoin/src
Good. Now we will create the Gapcoin blockchain directory, download a recent copy of the blockchain and unzip it (copy/paste):
mkdir -p ~/.gapcoin
or mirror : wget
unzip -d ~/.gapcoin
Great. Before we start gapcoind we must change the rpcpassword= for our security! (copy/paste):
cd ~/.gapcoin && sudo nano gapcoin.conf
Now we can navigate the cursor using our keyboards arrow keys and edit the rpcpassword= line. Change the rpc password to something else.
To save press: Crtl + X
Then press Y "Yes" to save changes. "File Name to Write: gapcoin.conf" is also correct so press Enter.
Now type: cd and press Enter.
Note that aside from system updates and upgrades, you will not need to complete any of the steps above again once the server is running.
IMPORTANT : Please read how to action a CPU limit of upto 75% max. before you start Mining on your cloud server!
Now we can start mining Gapcoin!
cd gapcoin/src
Note that we always navigate to gapcoin/src to run gapcoind and to issue wallet commands.
To start gapcoind type: ./gapcoind
./gapcoind getinfo lists basic server information. Before you can start mining check that the block height matches with: ./gapcoind getinfo returns "error: couldn't connect to server", then simply wait a while and try it again.
To start mining type: ./gapcoind setgenerate true 1
To display the mining hash rate type: ./gapcoind getprimespersec
To stop mining type: ./gapcoind setgenerate false
To stop gapcoind type: ./gapcoind stop
Note that it is always advisable to send your mined gapcoins to a secondary (secure) wallet running on your home computer.
For example, ./gapcoind sendtoaddress YOUR_GAPCOIN_SENDTOADDRESS_DESTINATION 101 - replacing the send to address with your own GAP address!
You can list all commands for gapcoind with ./gapcoind help - Make sure that you fully understand each command before use!
To exit the server, although continue mining, type: exit and press Enter - it's obviously worth checking that your mining before logging off.
N.B. The above guide is now outdated, however do continue to run full gapcoind nodes in the cloud (to support the network!) and perhaps point the alternative CPU miner towards mining pool ;)
Again, developers are working on an updated Gapcoin Core QT wallet release for all systems.
TESTNET / Beta pre-release of an implementation of the Gapcoin Core v0.16.3 reference client for the Gapcoin network:
Binaries -
Client can be built from cloned github repos -
NOTICE (March 2021) Re: v0.9.2/3 Gapcoin wallets are currently incompatible with v0.16.3 Beta Gapcoin Core wallets.
Whilst development work is in progress on v0.16.3 it is not advisable to attempt to upgrade your v0.9.2/3 wallet on mainnet.
Gapcoin v0.9.2/3 is the current mainnet release for Linux.
Howto 'safely' upgrade Gapcoin v0.9.2/3 to Gapcoin Core v0.16.3 guide coming soon.
IMPORTANT: Always backup your wallet.dat and your private keys!
Our guide for setting up your Gapcoin QT wallet on Windows is here
Original Website - | Old Forum Announcement | Old Gapcoin Source Code | Gapcoin Block Explorer
In memory of Dr. Thomas Nicely 1943 - 2019 curator of Gapcoin's prime gap records.
Gapcoin Network Status : Strong and Stable
Did you know Gapcoin Club now supports Riecoin ?
Riecoin on Tor v2 Nodes | riecoin.conf
Disclaimer(s) (Warning): Gapcoin (GAP) is NOT associated with the gapschain AI token project (GAPS)
Gapcoin (GAP) is NOT associated with the "Pi Network" project.
Get Gapcoin | Real Crypto | Real Math | Genuine Commodity Money | As Easy as Pi
Useful Proof-of-Work | Functional Mathematics | Logarithmic Coin Issuance | Unique Blockchain | Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)
Original "Bitcoin" Technology Since 2014 | Not a Financial Product or Service | Cryptocurrency as "Sound Money" and Digital Cash
Not a Token | Not an ICO | No Pre-sale | No Pre-mine | No Air-drop | No Chain Forks (yet!)
Free (Libre) and Open Source Software ... developers required ... v0.16.3 - - content Copyleft 2018 - 2021
Software MIT License. No Rights Reserved.